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Retained Search

Executive Search

We provide access to a variety of passive candidates with diverse backgrounds across the globe with specific experience relevant to the industry in question and extensive leadership experience.

Upper-Level Technical Search

Due to our years of extensive experience in the oil & gas industry, we have gained a great deal of exposure to the technical nature of the industry and have a deep network of technical professionals across a variety of functions including drilling, completion, geoscience, well intervention, subsea, artificial lift, and specialty manufacturing. We also have experience across the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction segment of the industry.

Market Mapping

Market Mapping's purpose is to identify key potential players within specified organizations and industries and gathering information regarding company structures, reporting lines, career projections of individuals and compensation and benefit information. This information is then combined into a formal report with information including biographies for potential candidates, compensation details, and market intelligence.


Merrimac International offers Myers Briggs Type Indicator services. Myers Briggs Type Indicator is an introspective personality inventory indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The four preferences with which the client most closely identifies (one from each scale) are combined into what is called a "type". Altogether, there are 16 different personality types. Each type has its own set of preferred behaviors and personality functions. Following the Indicator, a comprehensive report will deliver a concise yet thorough interpretation of your MBTI results. The report delves into the pattern of preferences unique to the client's type and explains clarity of preference and what it means.

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